Allen Construction

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What do you do at Allen Construction?  I have been an Allen employee for just about eight years.  I have worn a few different hats during my time here at Allen, from Site Superintendent to Project Manager.  Currently I am the Production Manager for the Custom Division.  

What kinds of projects do you work on?  In the Custom Division, we primarily focus on new, ground up, single family homes and large renovations in the Santa Barbara and Ventura regions.  The Team is comprised of immensely talented individuals with unique and diverse backgrounds who work tirelessly with clients and design consultants to bring project visions and goals to reality. 

How did you get started in the construction field?  I started on the East Coast about 17 years ago and worked for a start-up construction/development company.  I worked there for two years as a Jr. Project Manager learning the ins and outs of the construction industry. During that time I completed a large multi-family project and two single family, semi-custom homes.  It was a great opportunity to not only learn construction and construction management, but also see what it takes to start a business from the ground floor. 

Where do you live?  My wife and I have called Santa Barbara our home for over 20 years.  We are blessed with three wonderful boys, 13, 10 and 8 years old.  We have a very sweet golden retriever named Saba, who has been a part of our family for 15 years.  We are very active in the community with youth sports, volunteering, and love beach days with the Family!   

Daniel and his wife, Lindsey, and sons, Kian, Cade, and Kai, vacationing in Mammoth Lakes.

How has your daily routine changed since having to work from home?  During the work week/school week there is a Zoom call happening in every room in our home at every hour of the day, lol.  Actually, life has slowed down and we have really enjoyed spending this time together.  Hoping the kids look back on this time as a challenge but also with fond memories.

Your proudest achievement   My wife, Lindsey, and our Family.   

What was the last book you read?  “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah.  It is an autobiography that details Trevor Noah’s (host of the Daily Show) life growing up in South Africa during the apartheid era.  It is a light and comical book that chronicles a very heavy topic.

We wouldn’t know it to look at you, but…  I was born and raised on a small Island in the Caribbean Sea, St. Croix, which is a part of the United States Virgin Islands. 

What advice would you give someone starting out in the construction industry?  No matter your role, listen intently, cultivate disciplined processes, and have fun.