Get to know ALEX BROTMAN, Project Developer at Allen, with a Q&A.

What do you do at Allen Construction?   Currently, I serve on Allen Construction’s Sales Team as a Project Developer and have been in the role for a little over a year. I got my start here as a Preconstruction Coordinator in the same department, before moving into Production as a Project Manager for a few years. My time in Production was invaluable in that it taught me a lot about the way our teams build and remodel homes. That experience has helped me to become a better estimator and budget builder.

How did you get started in the construction field? My earliest experience in the construction industry came at a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) in the accounts payable department. There, I worked with subcontractors to verify work and pay invoices. Then, shortly after grad school, I worked at a solar power startup here in Santa Barbara as their Solar Operations Manager, overseeing the construction of medium-scale solar installations at numerous sites across the country. From there, the logical next step was to expand from a single trade into general contracting, and my tenure with Allen Construction began.

 Where do you live? I’m currently living on the upper east side of downtown Santa Barbara, just blocks from the Mission. I live with my partner, Marly, and our two cats, Atticus and Archer. Things can sometimes feel cramped in our 700sf apartment, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Alex and Marly on a recent trip to Mexico.

Alex and Marly on a recent trip to Mexico.

 What do you like to do outside of work? Outside of work I enjoy playing golf, fishing, and attending concerts. You can also find me at the beach or on State Street with Marly and some friends, sipping lagers and enjoying our beautiful environment.

What is your proudest achievement? I’ve got to say that winning the 2018 Allen Construction Hot Dog Eating Contest (6 dogs in 3 minutes) ranks pretty high on both my personal and professional achievement lists. Does anyone want to challenge the Champ?

 What was the last book you read? The last book I read was the classic sci-fi novel Dune, which was said to have inspired one of my favorite movie series of all time: Star Wars. There is also a movie-adaptation of Dune scheduled to come out later this year, and I’m excited to see how it stacks up to the book version.

 We wouldn’t know it to look at you, but… I love to learn complex rap music lyrics. I used to travel a lot between Santa Barbara and my hometown of Agoura Hills and, on those hour-long drives, I’d often listen to Eminem and Kanye West on repeat until I knew all the lyrics, word for word. If you’re lucky enough to ride in the car with me some time, you might get to catch one of my personal performances.

 What advice would you give someone starting out in the construction industry? The most important thing I’ve found for a newcomer to the industry is to find a mentor that will allow you to fail, improve, and try again, over and over. The construction industry is vast, complex, and always changing, so there are constantly new things to learn and new skills to develop. I’ve been very fortunate with my time at Allen Construction to be brought under the wing of some exceptional mentors who have allowed me to try new things, learn from my mistakes, and celebrate my successes. Thank you all!

