Happy ALLENversary, Daniel Mault

Daniel Mault - Vice President, Production

Congratulations to our Vice President of Production, DANIEL MAULT, who is celebrating his 10-year anniversary with Allen this month! We caught up with Daniel to ask him some questions about his time with us.

What was your first job with Allen?

My first job with Allen was a beautiful project on the Mesa where I was the Superintendent. It was a whole house remodel on the edge of the bluffs. The existing home was gutted to expose just the framing and we built from there. Eric Johnson was my PM, Teo Espinoza and crew constructed the driveway after Ian Cronshaw helped with the layout, and Alain Iniguez was the lead carpenter who installed all the windows. All of those team members are still with Allen!

El Toro Project

 Do you have a favorite project that you have worked on? That’s a tough one. If I had to pick just one, I would say the El Toro Project in Ojai. We developed and brought back to life eight acres on an incredible piece of property overlooking the Topa Topa Mountains using permaculture philosophies. We also remodeled a 100-year-old home under the guidelines of the historic landmark society. There were many aspects of the build that made it unique and special, but if I had to pick one it was the symmetry that came together so nicely between the client, architect, and builder. We strive for that on every project and on El Toro, we really hit the mark. 

Daniel and his family biking.

What’s the best thing about working at Allen?

The very talented people. There’s an amazing culture of collaboration and respect. We challenge one another and enjoy working together.

 Any funny stories from your time with Allen?

I brought my dog Saba, a large golden retriever, to the office for the first time. She was so excited to be there she pooped on the floor. I was so embarrassed, but Vicki Godlewski assured me it happened all the time. I’m not sure I believed her, but it made me feel better. Luckily it was late in the day and not too many people were there. That was the last time Saba came to visit the office. 

What are you looking forward to in the next 10 years?

Remaining good stewards of a company that we all love, growing together, and continuing to innovate where and when we can.

 Ten years from now our three boys will all be in college or just beyond! Enjoying spending as much time as I can with family in the coming years is going to be top priority - surfing, coaching, and traveling. The coming years will be very special.

 How has the company changed since you have been here?

As the saying goes, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”  I think the core culture at Allen today is the same as it has always bee. People who genuinely care and take a lot of pride in what they do, their craft, their clients, and the projects they deliver. If anything has changed recently it’s a renewed sense of mission and purpose that honors that culture, and I believe it is felt company wide. 

Daniel coached his son’s team all the way to becoming District Champions!
