Get to know Marcus Hoerberg who works as a Project Developer for Allen’s Care & Repair Division.

Marcus and his new baby girl, Margo.

Marcus and his new baby girl, Margo.

What do you do at Allen Construction?  I’ve been working at Allen Construction for almost four years. My current role is Project Developer for the Care & Repair Division. I manage leads, meet with potential clients, estimate projects, host job walks for trade contractors, and transition projects to the production team. Sometimes I work on projects that have plans, other times I help clients turn their ideas into reality by coming up with the necessary steps and scope of work.

What kinds of projects do you work on? Our Care & Repair Division mainly works on projects ranging from very small ones up to larger ones, with $300,000 budgets. And the scope varies. It could be anything from energy upgrades, such as installing heat pumps, to smaller remodels and additions. Kitchens and bathrooms are also common projects that we see.

How did you get started in the construction field? I went to a vocational high school program back home in Stockholm, Sweden when I was 16 years old. Four weeks before I graduated I was offered an apprenticeship with a large commercial builder, where I spent two years as an apprentice and then became a “certified,” fully-paid carpenter at the age of 20.

Where do you live? I live in Goleta with my wife, Destiny, my seven year old son, Miles, and my ten month old daughter, Margo. We love how close we are to the beach at Devereaux Sands, and the Ellwood Mesa!

The Press Room Soccer Team. Marcus is in the top row, second from the right.

The Press Room Soccer Team. Marcus is in the top row, second from the right.

 What do you like to do outside of work? Most of my time outside of work is spent with my family. We love to go to the beach, camping, and have movie nights. I also love to watch and play soccer. Having played more or less my entire life, I play local pickup games and in a Sunday league at Elings Park for The Press Room Team. Prior to the pandemic, we would meet up at the pub for a pint or two and catch up on the European leagues and World Cup.

What is your proudest achievement? I can’t pin down one single achievement, but I’m proud of myself for making the big move from Sweden to the US. and trying construction on a different continent. It involved using a different language and switching from commercial to residential. I’m also proud of my personal growth, moving up the ladder from laborer to framing carpenter, then project coordinator, project manager, and now, project developer.

What was the last book you read? The last book I read was green eggs and ham about 15 minutes ago while putting the kids to sleep! Jokes aside, sadly I don’t get enough time to read, but I think the last book was an autobiography of the Swedish soccer hero, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, called “I am Zlatan.”

Marcus with his wife, Destiny, son, Miles, and baby girl, Margo.

Marcus with his wife, Destiny, son, Miles, and baby girl, Margo.

We wouldn’t know it to look at you, but… I love music and I play the drums. Drumming is something that I picked back up as an adult, having dabbled a bit in school. Last year, a couple of the guys from my soccer team and I started jamming together on a weekly basis. We play mostly covers, but we also have a couple of original songs. It’s a nice way to clear your mind and it’s so much fun pretending to be a rock star for a couple of hours every week.

What advice would you give someone starting out in the construction industry? Don’t be afraid to try new things. There’s always room to grow in the industry. Whether it is learning to use a new tool, hanging a door, how to read your speed square, reading plans, or using Excel, it will benefit you and open up new doors.

Download Marcus’ Holiday Recipe Here
